Real estate experts, Donna and Shannon Freeman of Designed to Sell and and Secrets that Sell |
Mothe and daughter real estate pros, Donna and Shannon Freeman, explain why some home sellers miss the mark when staging their homes.
Here is a list of things to avoid:
Rationalize that a higher asking price means you will have more wiggle room. You could wind up sitting idle on the market, with a house full of wiggle room.
Respond to lowball offers with a counter, but with an invitation to re-submit.
Refer to a leaky foundation as a central humidifier.
Make your house smell like a cherry orchard or a department-store perfume counter.
Air your dirty laundry. This includes leaving bills and private papers out, and, of course, the airing of your dirty laundry.
Take your prospects on A Complete History of The Kopecki Repairs & Renovations Tour.
"Clean up" by stuffing all of the closets.
Leave unfinished "DIY" jobs for the buyers' honey-do list.
Defer yard work. Your house only gets one chance to make a first impression. Overgrown shrubs and broken gutters are the real estate equivalent of dandruff.
Think licks from Rex The Bulldog will help generate more offers.